Le arachidi representano una delle principali fonti d’energia nella dieta dei sud sudanesi. Si possono tostare, bollire o essere utilizzate per preparare burro d’arachidi oppure la zuppa che accompagna l’assida (pollenta di sorgo).
The clothes for groundnuts exchange of this year has been a big success! In few days we have been able to fill 30 sacks of some 20 kg each, which means the school now has enough groundnuts for the whole next course. The exchange benefits the school, but also the community: dozens of people from Bahrgel and the nearby villages have been able to get clothes not for free, but for a small “price” that they have paid with groundnuts, a very common crop in the area.
* Majak, Tigin, Ciben e Stefano riempiono i sacchi con le arachidi.
* Majak, Tigin, Ciben and Stefano filling the sacks with groundnuts.
The clothes for groundnuts exchange of this year has been a big success! In few days we have been able to fill 30 sacks of some 20 kg each, which means the school now has enough groundnuts for the whole next course. The exchange benefits the school, but also the community: dozens of people from Bahrgel and the nearby villages have been able to get clothes not for free, but for a small “price” that they have paid with groundnuts, a very common crop in the area.
Groundnuts represent one of the main energy sources of the diet of South Sudanese people. They can be baked, boiled or used for making peanut butter or the soup for the assida (sorghum flour cooked with water).
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